Contract size, indicating the number of units bought or sold in a single nominal lot, varies by instrument type (e.g., Forex: 100,000 units; indices: 5-500 units) and is crucial for calculating risk management and expectancy; refer to our trading instrument list to accurately set take-profits and stop-losses.
XAUUSD contract size - 100 - you will lose or make 100 dollars per 1 dollar movement (1 lot)
US30 / NAS100 contract size - 5 - you will lose or make 5 dollars per 1 dollar movement (1 lot)
Sp500 contract size - 20 - you will lose or make 20 dollars per 1 dollar movement (1 lot)
There is an order of 5 lots on XAUUSD where the open price is 2324.00 and the close price is 2326.40, the total profit is 1200 USD.
The total movement: 2.4 USD
Contract size:100
Number of lots: 5
2.4 (Movement in USD) * 100 (Contract size) * 5 (Number of lots)= 1200 USD