Payout-on-demand is a feature that allows users to request a payout whenever they wish, provided they meet certain criteria. Users must adhere to drawdown limits and satisfy the 40% Best Day Rule, which means they should not exceed Daily or Trailing drawdown levels at any point.
Here's an example of when traders can request a payout share on an E8 One account:
You must have a positive balance that is higher than when the account started.
You must ensure no single trading day accounts for more than 40% of your total generated profits.
If these conditions are met, you can request a payout share.
Here are a couple of example scenarios:
E8 Trader Stage Account Exceeds Profit Threshold: If your account's profits surpass the Trailing Drawdown value, you can request a payout of all profits earned. However, you should leave a drawdown buffer in the account to continue trading. If you withdraw all your profits, it will result in the closure of the account.
E8 Trader Stage Account in Profit But Below 6% Drawdown Value: If your account is profitable but hasn't exceeded a 6% Trailing Drawdown, you can still request a payout of all profits. Your trailing drawdown level remains unchanged. For instance, if you earn $3000 on a $100,000 account, the drawdown level adjusts from $94,000 to $97,000. After withdrawing the $3000, you would continue trading with the account at $100,000 and a Trailing Drawdown level at $97,000, while receiving a $3000 payout.