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E8 Trader stage on E8 Pro v.1
Updated over a month ago

With an E8 Pro account, you can request a payout whenever you want as long as you meet all consistency requirements.

Minimum of 4 profitable days (a profitable trading day is considered as a day where the realized closed PnL equals 0.5% of the account balance or more).
You have to achieve profitable days between each payout cycle. After requesting a payout, your previously profitable days will reset to 0.

Minimum profit request 4 % of the initial or scaled balance of the account.

Consistency Reward - If you are able to make at least 10 profitable days your payout share will be automatically increased to 100 % instead of the regular 80 %.

This payout policy applies only to accounts purchased from 00:00 UTC+1 16.12.2024. Accounts activated before this date have an unchanged payout policy and continue according to the selected payout type.
In case of going over the daily pause allowance, instead of experiencing account loss, your trades will be closed within 30 - 360 seconds and the account will be disabled until the end of the day.
You can continue trading with your account after the rollover at 00:00 UTC+2

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